2018-11-24 | Tobias Sterbak

Understanding text data with topic models


This is the first post of my series about understanding text datasets. A lot of the current NLP progress is made in predictive performance. But in practice, you often want and need to know, what is going on in your dataset. You may have labels that are generated from external sources and you have to understand how they relate to your text samples. You need to understand potential sources of leakage. All of these questions will be addressed in this series of tutorials.

In this post we will focus on applying topic models (Latent dirichlet allocation) to the “Quora Insincere Questions Classification” dataset on kaggle . In this competition, Kagglers will develop models that identify and flag insincere questions.

Load the data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv")
print(f"Loaded {df.shape[0]} samples.")
Loaded 1306122 samples.

First, let’s look at some of the questions.

If Stormy Daniels is called to testify, can Mueller void the non-disclosure agreement she has with Trump's lawyer?
Where may I comment on the new Mozilla branding?
What is the cost of hair straightening in Bangalore?
Would you leave your wife for mayantu langer?
How did scientist determine the mass of Mercury?
What should I do to become a sailor?
How do I gracefully inform a potential PhD advisor that you are choosing another’s advisor/school without burning bridges?
How did the location of Norris Bookbinding Company affect its construction?
Which career path is the hardest to earn a living in: acting, fiction writing, or illustration?
What should I choose? I want a solid career but I am torn between becoming an orthodontist or a real estate owner/manager or investor.

We have two labels. Obviuous sincere and insincere. Take a look at the label distribution.

ax = df.plot.hist(by="target", bins=2, figsize=(7,7), title="Label distribution", xticks=[0,1])


print("{:.1%} of the questions are insincere".format(df.target.sum()/df.shape[0]))
6.2% of the questions are insincere

We resample the data to make the topic modeling faster.

n_samples = 100000

df_sample = df.sample(n_samples)
print("{:.1%} of the sampled questions are insincere".format(df_sample.target.sum()/df_sample.shape[0]))
6.2% of the sampled questions are insincere

So regarding the labels, our sampling is faithful.

Compute the Topic model

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
n_features = 2000   # number of words to use
n_components = 100  # number of topics

First we extract the term frequency features for the LDA model.

tf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=2, ngram_range=(1,2),
tf = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df_sample.question_text)

Now we fit the LDA model.

lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=n_components, max_iter=20,
                                learning_method='online', random_state=2018)
LatentDirichletAllocation(batch_size=128, doc_topic_prior=None,
             evaluate_every=-1, learning_decay=0.7,
             learning_method='online', learning_offset=10.0,
             max_doc_update_iter=100, max_iter=20, mean_change_tol=0.001,
             n_components=100, n_jobs=1, n_topics=None, perp_tol=0.1,
             random_state=2018, topic_word_prior=None,
             total_samples=1000000.0, verbose=0)

Investigate the topic model

First, we take a look at the most important words in the topic model.

def print_top_words(model, feature_names, n_top_words):
    for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(model.components_):
        message = f"Topic #{topic_idx}: "
        message += " ".join([feature_names[i]
                             for i in topic.argsort()[:-n_top_words - 1:-1]])
tf_feature_names = tf_vectorizer.get_feature_names()
print_top_words(lda, tf_feature_names, n_top_words=10)
Topic #0: military advantages windows pressure disadvantages track active joining employee accepted
Topic #1: views wedding channel origin therapy debt exist exercises existence explain
Topic #2: games percentage potential scientific require pick drug cope exchange executive
Topic #3: time english language american pay medical card care earn training
Topic #4: 2017 jee score marks iit courses changed board film nit
Topic #5: don working technology computer similar professional accept western apple pc
Topic #6: ve reason worst culture happy japan example blue events reaction
Topic #7: major enjoy accomplishments major accomplishments experienced exchange executive exercise exercises exist
Topic #8: best things ways website course apply android south north youtube
Topic #9: free china jobs try post looking rate instagram anti paid
Topic #10: based ideas neet coaching okay systems crack focus creative rock
Topic #11: school university high write australia high school hours credit inspired psychology
Topic #12: buy legal function consider personal clean killed manage property significance
Topic #13: think quora money college engineering important state indians worth internet
Topic #14: different types characteristics multiple platform certificate birth passport smell stage
Topic #15: say right non woman win muslim biggest civil europe population
Topic #16: days end called share case ms shouldn bond shopping 2nd
Topic #17: government president product gay com news impact numbers clear speech
Topic #18: style acting heat cure false condition florida ap exists expensive
Topic #19: love black white chinese popular society paper marriage act grow
Topic #20: indian student average germany visa 20 exams offer german features
Topic #21: children kill energy send husband nuclear cs sense daughter following
Topic #22: hate jews pakistani people loves religions note does exercise exercises
Topic #23: choose instead city 100 didn second kids week period head
Topic #24: theory amazon powerful success cities quantum heavy gone powers blame
Topic #25: america political female prevent liberals art present method source acid
Topic #26: want doing wrong child month problem mind easy close pune
Topic #27: low iq anxiety action dubai fixed exists safety equivalent entry
Topic #28: country book movie affect isn tech master illegal greatest treated
Topic #29: build tax stock plan structure basic trading engine cheap electric
Topic #30: questions guy programming reasons interview asked net narcissist especially voice
Topic #31: test rank pakistan teach seat morning elements kashmir banned candidate
Topic #32: friend question answer group daily correct coming communication nature road
Topic #33: european reach gst actual 2019 lines hope expected experienced experience
Topic #34: people night mother universe sleep middle chances healthy pass compare
Topic #35: good best way best way software companies house management effects places
Topic #36: number happens exam friends phone hair face successful oil explain
Topic #37: world history meaning considered americans religion compared islam baby french
Topic #38: age site studies 18 minimum 14 relationships match attention cloud
Topic #39: better using company create design famous ex eye lives wall
Topic #40: know common ask purpose easily season invented native equation existence
Topic #41: terms avoid fear talking son save block goes double teachers
Topic #42: got left seen differences feeling 50 choice somebody cash anybody
Topic #43: india like man countries muslims girlfriend mba information foreign negative
Topic #44: social media order increase effect blood network heart social media page
Topic #45: eat wear guys convert politics democrats sc republicans quota remain
Topic #46: process data account cause learning delhi safe main travel health
Topic #47: long come open cat break iphone view likely marry does
Topic #48: year years old big rid stay year old team price office
Topic #49: way favorite land little expensive good bad straight alcohol bike connection
Topic #50: use new books self writing air movies program sell russia
Topic #51: believe god says speak stupid spanish officers ready does experienced
Topic #52: day hyderabad near classes spend planet areas regular rent activities
Topic #53: africa thoughts review east differ suicide million century individual fish
Topic #54: person need able marketing leave services products father provide california
Topic #55: job kind war happened uk point pain international away expect
Topic #56: known join vs sun recently strength expect experiences experienced experience
Topic #57: quality videos meant exactly access established central factor expect experience
Topic #58: start human makes today earth humans run animals project preparation
Topic #59: career music bangalore develop scope store subject react singapore memory
Topic #60: stop difficult profile masters destroy highly iim drawing experience expensive
Topic #61: happen water law mass die won eating physical anime outside
Topic #62: dogs personality stories recipes gold dc bed creating identity shot
Topic #63: bad study girl look tips like boyfriend look like feel feel like
Topic #64: power mumbai formed syllabus restaurant 24 effectively added saw best
Topic #65: tv series watch web turn dark sports technical turkey afraid
Topic #66: support available code cars running approach currency wordpress payment certification
Topic #67: light speed laptop factors christians temperature disorder means suggest identify
Topic #68: work trump play role wife 15 russian realize center truth
Topic #69: 2018 10 class making admission national necessary strategy mathematics cbse
Topic #70: did facebook deal 12th meet lead laws room solution john
Topic #71: live google engineer young economy practice poor file branch eu
Topic #72: canada color gas produced cons pros pros cons reliable mistake nepal
Topic #73: students physics required math skills useful knowledge java importance analysis
Topic #74: real going tell parents talk taking treat donald donald trump trump
Topic #75: times past modern ai traditional programs historical people say wasn experienced
Topic #76: examples great colleges private ancient zero real life james built fly
Topic #77: difference really experience future current given education income bring complete
Topic #78: states value improve idea united public united states force police startup
Topic #79: used prepare effective mental hurt formula methods doctors techniques user
Topic #80: having weight british gain religious maths economics switch faster ba
Topic #81: make 12 apps star 11 email fun hand names fix
Topic #82: car family normal sound started result position attracted members sexually
Topic #83: help opinion fight area depression songs crime capital liberal foods
Topic #84: read food story advice reading rights novel global electrical drink
Topic #85: does mean does mean word dream cell crush smart comes fact
Topic #86: change usa service term short related japanese christian race france
Topic #87: possible science causes body actually degree control male model set
Topic #88: app mobile download application natural chance dating developer higher caused
Topic #89: just women men getting hard date exist skin met like
Topic #90: field options racist gate moment grade maximum points centre biology
Topic #91: cost single party contact digital chennai produce hire pictures respond
Topic #92: determine heard best book piece length velocity nazi exist existence experiences
Topic #93: feel thing girls game form video understand lot list let
Topic #94: living bank facts answers interesting replace loan meat concrete po
Topic #95: learn online type space cut thinking fake matter diet address
Topic #96: life business market development words fat growth key gift like
Topic #97: sex relationship doesn death months wants positive animal wish hot
Topic #98: true home place dog lose starting red modi army taken
Topic #99: benefits song line upsc brown construction practical protein expected experienced

Now we can look at the label distribution in each of the topics.

topics = lda.transform(tf)
for t in range(n_components):
    sdf = df_sample[np.argmax(topics, axis=1)==t]
    sn = sdf.shape[0]
    print("topic {} ({} questions): {:.1%} of the questions are insincere".format(t, sn, sdf.target.sum()/sn))
topic 0 (4618 questions): 2.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 1 (269 questions): 3.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 2 (303 questions): 3.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 3 (1810 questions): 10.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 4 (1507 questions): 2.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 5 (784 questions): 6.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 6 (1028 questions): 3.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 7 (189 questions): 5.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 8 (1698 questions): 3.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 9 (899 questions): 7.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 10 (713 questions): 2.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 11 (1175 questions): 2.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 12 (940 questions): 4.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 13 (2178 questions): 9.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 14 (849 questions): 2.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 15 (1196 questions): 11.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 16 (560 questions): 4.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 17 (1427 questions): 12.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 18 (354 questions): 3.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 19 (1618 questions): 19.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 20 (632 questions): 4.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 21 (873 questions): 8.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 22 (372 questions): 31.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 23 (1289 questions): 5.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 24 (456 questions): 6.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 25 (952 questions): 5.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 26 (1345 questions): 7.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 27 (339 questions): 8.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 28 (949 questions): 3.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 29 (917 questions): 3.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 30 (900 questions): 4.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 31 (552 questions): 6.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 32 (1042 questions): 6.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 33 (268 questions): 4.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 34 (1220 questions): 8.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 35 (1680 questions): 1.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 36 (1667 questions): 2.2% of the questions are insincere
topic 37 (1493 questions): 10.2% of the questions are insincere
topic 38 (401 questions): 6.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 39 (1446 questions): 5.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 40 (786 questions): 6.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 41 (929 questions): 4.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 42 (638 questions): 6.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 43 (2057 questions): 11.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 44 (970 questions): 2.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 45 (548 questions): 15.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 46 (1815 questions): 4.2% of the questions are insincere
topic 47 (1445 questions): 5.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 48 (1658 questions): 7.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 49 (611 questions): 2.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 50 (1774 questions): 4.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 51 (398 questions): 20.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 52 (757 questions): 4.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 53 (581 questions): 5.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 54 (1189 questions): 4.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 55 (1095 questions): 6.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 56 (352 questions): 1.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 57 (343 questions): 2.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 58 (1207 questions): 4.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 59 (758 questions): 2.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 60 (339 questions): 6.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 61 (1304 questions): 8.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 62 (500 questions): 5.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 63 (1483 questions): 7.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 64 (427 questions): 3.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 65 (618 questions): 5.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 66 (516 questions): 2.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 67 (787 questions): 5.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 68 (1200 questions): 9.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 69 (976 questions): 4.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 70 (1621 questions): 4.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 71 (789 questions): 3.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 72 (484 questions): 3.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 73 (1136 questions): 2.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 74 (1386 questions): 16.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 75 (353 questions): 4.2% of the questions are insincere
topic 76 (915 questions): 2.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 77 (1238 questions): 2.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 78 (1509 questions): 7.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 79 (697 questions): 2.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 80 (555 questions): 3.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 81 (1285 questions): 5.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 82 (499 questions): 7.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 83 (1059 questions): 7.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 84 (912 questions): 3.3% of the questions are insincere
topic 85 (1905 questions): 3.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 86 (866 questions): 11.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 87 (1639 questions): 3.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 88 (1015 questions): 2.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 89 (950 questions): 20.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 90 (900 questions): 5.0% of the questions are insincere
topic 91 (618 questions): 3.7% of the questions are insincere
topic 92 (305 questions): 4.6% of the questions are insincere
topic 93 (1495 questions): 5.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 94 (495 questions): 2.8% of the questions are insincere
topic 95 (849 questions): 3.5% of the questions are insincere
topic 96 (813 questions): 3.1% of the questions are insincere
topic 97 (1072 questions): 9.4% of the questions are insincere
topic 98 (1287 questions): 11.9% of the questions are insincere
topic 99 (384 questions): 0.8% of the questions are insincere

So we see, there are topics, like topic 22, with a high share of insincere questions. It seems to be related with racial hate. Let’s sample questions from this topic.

df_topic_sample = df_sample[np.argmax(topics, axis=1)==22].sample(20)
print("\n".join(["{}:{}".format(l, q) for l, q in zip(df_topic_sample.target.values, 
0:Why are Jews seen as stereotypically materialistic/frugal?
0:Why does the mainstream media hate Trump so much?
1:Why do you hate Jews?
0:What would your reaction be if you suddenly get a call from the boy that you finally got over, saying he loves you and he always did?
0:What are some examples of Zoroastrian influences on Indian culture and religions?
0:Were there any Nazis who befriended Jews, or perhaps people who were friends with Jews before they became Nazis?
0:Why does media hate Trump but love Obama?
0:Do religions shape the sharp feelings?
0:Can a Pakistani open a bank account in India online?
1:Is it true that minorities don't hate white supremacy, rather that they hate not being ranked higher within it?
1:Why aren't there more books about the fact that Ottoman Jews enslaved Slavic women? I want to completely investigate this topic in order to understand why Ottoman Jews did this.
1:Why is there a Pakistani ocean for the Pakistanis?
1:When will Hindus fight back against the assault of Abrahamic religions?
0:How can I send an Anonymous note to someone on Facebook?
0:What should be a child's note to his or her parents?
1:Why do American Jews feel phony?
1:Do you think white Christians are the most racist and bigoted people on earth I mean just look at their history with Africans, Jews and now Muslims?
0:How do you separate non practicing "secular" Jews from practicing Jews like yourself? What are their main differences?
0:Does America hate equality?
0:Should anyone change himself for the person to whom he loves or has an attachment?

Also, there are topics, like topic 35, with a low share on insincere questions. This topics seems to deal with software companies in some way. Let’s see.

df_topic_sample = df_sample[np.argmax(topics, axis=1)==35].sample(20)
print("\n".join(["{}:{}".format(l, q) for l, q in zip(df_topic_sample.target.values, 
0:Is it good to do Ph. D from IITs?
0:When can I have a post-workout shake if a train just before dinner?
0:What is the best way to prevent foodborne illness?
0:Is being agnostic the best way of being logical in today's world?
0:What are exciting​ career choices after B.E in ECE? I have completed my B.E and I'm interested in software or management related courses to do.
0:What is the best way to explain the difference between scientific consensus and science by democracy?
0:What are your best KPI for Incident Management - Service Desk / IT support, and why?
0:Is the VFX industry improving?
0:How much should I pitch for business software to my clients in India?
0:What do you think is the best (in any way you want) cover page of a comic book?
0:What is the best way for introvert to suceed in social life?
0:What are those people doing currently who qualified GATE(CSE)?
1:How many secretly wish that the republican house members on the train that wrecked today had been in the garbage truck instead of on the train?
0:What has the PostNet company achieved in the business services industry?
0:Do software companies still keep their engineers once they turn 45-50 and get outdated from the latest advancements in technologies?
0:What kind of franchises are currently going good in the market under 7-10 lakhs?
0:What's the best way to make creme brulee?
0:What is the best way to improve knowledge?
0:What is the best way to repair Amish heaters?
0:How much would Zomato's table management software cost to build?

Hm, it is not really clear what is going on in this topic.

Topics of insincere questions

This time we compute a topic model for only the insincere questions to understand what is going on there.

tf_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=2,
tf = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df[df.target==1].question_text)
lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=10, max_iter=5,
                                learning_method='online', random_state=2018)
LatentDirichletAllocation(batch_size=128, doc_topic_prior=None,
             evaluate_every=-1, learning_decay=0.7,
             learning_method='online', learning_offset=10.0,
             max_doc_update_iter=100, max_iter=5, mean_change_tol=0.001,
             n_components=10, n_jobs=1, n_topics=None, perp_tol=0.1,
             random_state=2018, topic_word_prior=None,
             total_samples=1000000.0, verbose=0)

Let’s look at the relevant wirds in the topics.

tf_feature_names = tf_vectorizer.get_feature_names()
print_top_words(lda, tf_feature_names, n_top_words=10)
Topic #0: did india modi muslims pakistan russia live immigrants world bjp
Topic #1: americans muslims american countries world islam new asian british western
Topic #2: country china woman america christians usa non rape liberal race
Topic #3: trump does president donald man obama old year really bad
Topic #4: feel having aren big sexual things fake boys history doing
Topic #5: people hindus think make look just religion conservatives does state
Topic #6: people indians know hate gay democrats true north wrong come
Topic #7: quora liberals sex questions children like better does kill guys
Topic #8: women men white indian black good like stop don instead
Topic #9: people like girls don chinese muslim does believe jews god

These topics look more clear and it’s easy to understand what’s happening. Obviously, some topics attract insincere questions more than others.

So I hope you learned something you can use for your own text analysis work. Stay tuned for the next post of the series about model based on named entity recognition.

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